Growing from the Hub of Our Values
How can we model our spiritual ecosystems on Nature’s example of thriving?
Share this post:How can we model our spiritual ecosystems on Nature’s example of thriving?
Share this post:What blessings do we receive from nature and what blessings are we willing to bestow in our interdependent relationship?
Share this post:What blessings do we receive from nature and what blessings are we willing to bestow in our interdependent relationship?
Share this post:How do we detoxify one another and honor the mutuality of our relationships?
Share this post:Can we truly comprehend the concept of nature as divine inspiration without feeling a deep sense of inspiration and relational connection?
Share this post:What might it mean for us to hold nature as divine?
Share this post:How does our identity as a faith community allow us to express radical hospitality for people on the margins in our society?
Share this post:We’ll take some time to bless our congregational leaders.
Share this post:Outdoor Service – Please Bring Chairs
Share this post:What does our congregational covenant say about the community we want to co-create?
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