Strategic Investment Task Force

The Board appointed the Strategic Investment Task Force to develop a program to make significant investments in a limited number of initiatives that further the mission, vision, and strategic plan of UUCC.

The Strategic Investment Task (SIT) Force was created by the Board at the same time the Sue McKimm fund was established, for the purpose of creating and managing the process of identifying initiatives that are most worthy of investment. The SIT Force has been meeting since the Winter of 2022, debating a wide range of questions and developing the overall framework for the actual process of soliciting proposals, developing decision criteria and making decisions regarding the initiatives to be funded. 

The SIT Force is composed of a blend of Board members, other members of the congregation, and staff. Current members of the SIT Force are:

2023-24 Strategic Investment Task Force

  • David Kantor (chair)
  • Laurie Albright
  • Mark Assel (Board) 
  • Erika Brown
  • Sharon Edmond (staff)
  • Carol Gay
  • Allan Georgia (staff)
  • Amy Glesius (Board)
  • Ray Gonzalez (Board)
  • Barbie Jones (Board)
  • Tom McKenna
  • Rev. Randy Partain
  • Lou Salza
  • Don Stimpert
  • Heather Torok