Zoom-In Live! May Guests: Molly Watkins and Meg Pauken

Molly Watkins, who’s becoming better known among UUCC congregants every day, and Meg Pauken, who is already well known as a congregational leader, will be the special guests in May on UUCC Zoom-In…LIVE! Molly will be appearing on the May 10 show, and Meg will be the special guest on the May 24 episode.

“Many people know Molly because of her work with the UUCC Youth Choir,” noted, David Kantor, host of UUCC Zoom-In…LIVE! “But she’s been heavily involved in UUCC’s RE program – for both adults and youth, and has had her children in our YRE program for quite a while now.  Beyond that, her personal and spiritual journey is a different story from many of our other congregants, so her path to Unitarian Universalism, First U, and, now, UUCC is an interesting one.”

“Meg, of course, has been a leader for a number of years at both First U and now, UUCC. She was voted one of our most trusted congregants, and, therefore, serves on our Ministerial Search Task Force. She’s a former President of First U, where she had a number of tricky issues with which to deal. And, she and her husband, Kevin Ortner, raised their children in our congregation(s). So, it’s fair to say that Meg’s observations about her UU journey will be of interest to all.”

The pre-show begins 10-12 minutes before 8 with a three-song music mix, then follows with David and co-host interviewing the special guest for about 25 minutes. After a short break, the audience asks questions of the guest for the remainder of the show. “The smart folks show up at around 12 minutes before 8 and stay a few minutes after the show ends to listen to the music,” David observed.

The UUCC community is provided with the Zoom link to the show the Sunday before each episode in the late afternoon/early evening.