Our theme this month is Courage. And one of the most courageous things some of us can do is say No. Many of us wind up saying Yes to things that don’t really serve us, and then we get frustrated or anxious about following through. Some of us are really good at saying No, but it might come across as defensive or hostile, rather than clear and purposeful. What would it be like to say a clear and thoughtful No when we need to, grounded in our guiding principles?
See you in-person Sunday morning at our new time of 10:15 am. Services will also be live-streamed on Facebook or on YouTube.
Minister: Rev. Dr. Randy Partain
Check out this week’s music notes: Musical Musings
Musician: Mike Carney, Chancel Choir
Worship Associate: Mark Weber
Sunday Collection Plate: Kids’ Book Bank
Youth Religious Education for K-5 will meet this week at 11:30 a.m., we hope to see you there!. Childcare is also available from 9 am – 1 pm Sunday mornings in Room 103 for toddlers through kindergarten.
Topics: Courage
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