Bread Ceremony Volunteers Needed

Our Bread Communion ceremony will be on Sunday, November 20, and we need a few volunteers to help things flow smoothly.

I know many of you are excited to bake your own delicious offering to share with the congregation. I encourage you to bring a note card with your bread indicating the ingredients and whether your bread is gluten-free or vegan. This way, others can easily identify any allergens and make selections that align with their personal diets.

We will also need a few people—I’m literally thinking three (3) individuals—to prepare bite-sized, individually portioned bread for the worship service. Like mini-muffins. We’ll have a chance to share in everyone’s bread after the service, but we also want to include bread in the ceremony itself.

As people arrive with their bread, we’ll need some volunteers to slice and portion the bread in preparation for our time of sharing after the service as well. Due to our COVID precautions, we want to be intentional about our food preparation and serving. Having several volunteers to prepare and serve portions of bread will help honor our intention of keeping everyone as healthy as possible.

If you are willing to serve in any of these specific capacities on Sunday, November 20, please let me know by emailing