We welcome a variety of species into worship as we take time to focus on our meaningful relationships with other animals in this special outdoor service. When we look at the non-human animals around us, we often ascribe human emotions and motivations to their actions. Maybe seeing ourselves in other beings is a way to deepen our empathy or compassion. But what if we endeavored to see non-human animals as our teachers? What blessings do we receive from nature and what blessings are we willing to bestow in our interdependent relationship? Please invite the special non-human animals in your life to join you in worship this Sunday!
See you in-person Sunday morning. Services will also be live-streamed on Facebook or on YouTube.
Worship Leader: Rev. Dr. Randy Partain
Musician: Karin Tooley
Worship Associate: Greg Nosan
Collection Plate Partner: Neighborhood Pets
Information on how to donate virtually as well as links to past and upcoming collection plate partners can be found here.
Topics: Nature
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