Taming Your Shame Gremlin

Our summer theme is Connection. But something inside us often stands in the way of connection. That little voice that taunts us with fears that we are not good enough or worthy enough. We might call that little voice our shame gremlin. Maybe your shame gremlin taunts you with different words, but shame is a common human experience. It may prevent us from connection. Or it may prevent others from connecting with us. How do we tame our shame gremlin so that we can experience meaningful connection to one another, to our deepest selves, and to the world we all share?

See you in-person Sunday morning at our new time of 10:15 am. Services will also be live-streamed on Facebook or on YouTube.

Worship Leader: Rev. Randy Partain

Worship Associate: Amy Collins

Check out this week’s music notes.

Youth Religious Education  for K-5 will meet this week. Childcare is also available from 9 am – 1 pm Sunday mornings in Room 103 for toddlers through kindergarten.

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