The Rest of the Mountain

There are moments in our journey—as individuals and as communties—when we reach a place of comfort and relative safety. For some, it can be tempting to stay in that comfortable place. And yet, the journey is not done. The world does not yet reflect the wholeness we envision. Our lives may fall short of wholeness and well-being, too. What does the rest of the journey look like? And how do we sustainably engage in that climb?

See you in-person Sunday morning. Services will also be live-streamed on Facebook or on YouTube.

Worship Leader: Rev. Randy Partain

Worship Associate: Peggy Lagodny

Check out this week’s music notes.

No Youth Religious Education meetings this week. Childcare is available from 9 am – 1 pm Sunday mornings in Room 103 for toddlers through kindergarten.

YouTube (part 1)
YouTube (part 2)
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