The Way of At-One-Ment

Our Jewish siblings begin each new spiritual year with a time of atonement. It’s intended to be a time of deep and honest personal reflection, so that a person might realign with a spiritual true north — to become “at one” with the Divine after taking some detours. In Unitarian Universalist culture, we don’t often speak of repentance or atonement, but we might have various personal practices that give us a sense of renewal or restoration in our relationship with the Divine, however we name it. How do we reclaim “at-one-ment” with each other, though? How do we gracefully repair the inevitable ruptures in our sacred relationships?

See you in-person Sunday morning. Services will also be live-streamed on Facebook or on YouTube.

Worship Leader: Rev. Dr. Randy Partain

Musicians: Karin Tooley

Worship Associate: Laura Imbornoni

Collection Plate Partner: HOLA Ohio

Information on how to donate virtually as well as links to past and upcoming collection plate partners can be found here.


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