Visit UUCC

Attend a Service, see our Sunday School, meet some people.


  • In monthly Newcomer activities that are of interest to you:
    • Post service tours on First Sunday of the month
    • Newcomer table at Second Sunday breakfast, with member hosts
    • Coffee Chat following service in Library on Third Sunday
    • Newcomer table at Fourth Sunday potlucks, hosted by members
  • In congregation activities and events
  • Take the opportunity to meet our minister


About us via twice yearly offerings, as appropriate for you

  • General UU and UUCC History –hosted by the minister and members well versed in UUCC history.
  • Theology: Yours and Ours – Offered by ministers and or commissioned lay leaders.
  • How Things Work at UUCC – Offered by Leadership Development Committee, covering UU structure (congregational polity), UUCC structure, who to contact, how to start new things, and more.

Membership Inquiry

Attend one of our quarterly sessions covering the essence of membership in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland. Alternatively, an individual meeting with a board member / membership committee member / delegate can be arranged. One of these is required for those wishing to join UUCC.

Join and Pledge

Sign the membership book and make your pledge to financially support the congregation. You will be invited to a New Member Welcome Service soon after.

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