Ministry for Earth

The UUCC Ministry for Earth is inspired by the 7th principle:  

Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

The Ministry for Earth offers a way for congregation members to come together to work for environmental justice, spiritual renewal, and a shared reverence for our Earth home. The group works individually on many “in my own back yard” projects as well as coming together to:

  • educate ourselves about the climate crisis
  • share eco-friendly lifestyle ideas
  • protect pollinators
  • promote 100% renewable electricity
  • teach our congregational kids to grow food
  • We are also affiliated with UUMFE the national organization

    We welcome new members and new projects. For more information, contact Tom Gibson and Dell Salza

Here is a list of our current committees

The Climate Urgency Subcommittee meets every month currently on zoom, chaired by Nancy Smith. The Climate Urgency Sub-Group of UU Ministry for Earth is strategizing on how to engage more of the congregation in understanding and acting on the greatest moral and planetary challenge of our time.  The group is exploring how to use the new UUA Green Sanctuary 2030 framework to work on the goals of mitigation, adaptation and resilience and climate justice.    As we craft a more comprehensive strategy, we are continuing to provide education and opportunities for activism in working toward climate justice.

The Sustainable Grounds Subcommittee is co-chaired by Dell Salza and Barbara Bradley. Their purpose is to research and advocate for green and sustainable options when building and grounds decisions are made for UUCC.

The Permaculture Garden and Apple Orchard are overseen by Tom Gibson. His group weeds and maintains the permaculture garden weekly on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. during the growing season. Now in spring 2021, he is coordinating the planting of about 15 donated young apple trees on the southeast lawn of the UUCC property (east of the playground). These apples will be organically grown using permaculture methods: planting native flowers and herbs that attract insects that eat the insects that attack apple trees. These plants will also enrich the soil which can then sequester more carbon. Planting will begin Saturday, April 3, 2021 at 10:00 a.m..

Tips for a Healthy Planet, an environmental column appearing monthly in The Hawk, is written by Laurie Eldridge. It contains recommendations and tips for living a more sustainable lifestyle. Laurie welcomes feedback and submissions at        

Recycling: Ministry for Earth supports recycling at UUCC for the congregation and for our nearby neighbors. Inside the building, we have bins for recycling bottles and cans. In our parking lot we have 2 large paper retrieving bins are used to collect paper and card board for recycling. We also have Rustbelt rider bins in our lot next to the paper bins. Rustbelt rider composts all food waste, keeping it out of the land fill. This is a subscription service available the congregation and the community at large. Here is the sign up link: Food waste can be placed in these bins 24/7.

Solar Array, Electric Car Charging Station, and Cisterns to Collect Rain Water In our parking lot is an array of solar panels that supply electricity for our building. The panels also supply an electric car charging station. The water run-off from the panels is collected in cisterns and is used to water the Community Garden, Memorial Garden, and Permaculture Garden, saving water and keeping water in the last and not in the storm sewer.