Unitarian Universalists affirm the Fourth Principle, “A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” That quest takes many forms, from delving more deeply into the week’s sermon topic to discussing a new book to engaging in meaningful conversation. Consider expanding your horizons with the following UUCC groups:
- 3rd Sunday Soul MattersMeets 3rd Sunday after church in the Baker Room. Open to new members. What is Soul Matters: This small group will provide an opportunity to explore questions and ideas that relate to ...
- Laughter in our LivesMeets 1st Saturdays 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM Group is full.. if interested join the wait list or start a new group! Women gather for breakfast as they share experiences, poetry, music, ...
- Post RetirementMeets 2nd Monday 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Group is full. Would you like to start a new group? This group is for women of post-retirement age who would like to explore ...
- Pride for All Ages: An Intergenerational LGBTQ+ GroupMeets 4th Sunday at church 11:30AM – 12:30PM in Baker Room. Open to new people The group meets monthly for socializing, building community, support and friendship, discussion, and planning activities. The group ...
- Tuesday Readers – VirtualMeets 1st Tuesday at 7:00 PM by Zoom. Alway looking for more readers, open to all! We will choose books to read, and each month have a discussion about the current book. ...
- Wisdom Seekers VirtualMeets 2nd Wednesday monthly 10 AM to 12 Noon via Zoom Open to New Men, of any age! We are a group of men on the back nine of our lives. There ...