Get Involved!
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland offers many ways to connect with others in the congregation and the larger community. The list below is organized by different types of activities and contains information about the groups. Some listings include contact and meeting information.
If you are interested in a group that does not list a contact, please email [email protected] for more information.
The Mission of the UU Congregation of Cleveland includes “Community: Within and Without,” which sums up the importance of our connections with each other. We gather in many ways and for many reasons. Here are some of the groups that connect on a regular basis.
- A Novel Idea (All Fiction Book Club)There is a small group in the UUCC community where you can meet hundreds of new friends and have friendships that last a lifetime. You can go places you’ve ...
- All Around TownThis is a group for adventurous diners who enjoy eating out at restaurants throughout the Greater Cleveland area. We welcome all adults, any gender, single, partnered, etc. Each person must register ...
- Artist’s HiveThis group offers dedicated time to immerse in your art projects in a shared, supportive space with other creatives. Bring your painting, drawing, beading, collaging, hand-sewing or other work-in-progress and ...
- Authentic DiversityThis covenant group creates space to support each other in doing the personal and congregational work to manifest the Beloved Community that welcomes everyone. This group meets on third Mondays from ...
- Cancer Survivor Support GroupThis group is for those who have had a diagnosis of cancer, with or without treatment, and their partners. The meetings will start with some kind of structured discussion from ...
- Cheers to a Night Out IWomen meet for eats, drinks, and conversation at a different restaurant each month during the year. 1st Thursday at 5:00 PM . (10 Maximum ) This group is full. ...
- Circle of FriendsCircle of Friends is a friendly, welcoming group for those who identify as female in all stages of life. We create friendships by discussing mutually agreed upon topics. We strive ...
- Couples , Cuisine, ConversationOur Couples groups are so popular we are looking to start a third group. Group members have the opportunity to develop deep, meaningful friendships over shared meals in ...
- Couples ConnectionCouples take turns hosting the group either in their homes (potluck,) a restaurant, a park, or other agreed-upon venue for friendship and meaningful conversation. This is a great opportunity to ...
- Friendship for WomenWomen’s group to deepen friendships and discuss topics chosen by a different member of the group each month. The group meets the second Monday of each month from 2-3:30 in ...
- Harry’s Kitchen CrewWho is “Harry’s Kitchen Crew”? The crew got started over 10 years ago. Harry took over the preparation of the Sunday morning breakfast with a vow that he will serve a ...
- Laughter in our LivesWomen gather for breakfast as they share experiences, poetry, music, books, articles and humor that reflect the lighter side of life. Bring your positive energy to learn, laugh, and smile ...
- Men’s GroupThe Men’s Group provides an opportunity for men to discuss common issues. Meets on the second Monday from 7:00- 9:00 PM (10 Maximum). This group is full. Would you like to start an ...
- Needlers: Knitting, Crocheting, other HandworkMeets: 1st Saturday of the Month 10am to 12 noon in the UUCC library. Has openings, all are welcome We gather monthly to do hand work: knitting, crocheting, lace, needlepoint, mending, ...
- New and Newish Members CircleMeets: 3rd Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 PM at UUCC Open to New Members Sometimes it can be overwhelming to new members to learn how to navigate how to “plug in” to the UUCC community and ...
- PoetryPoetry Each month we meet to share poems. Participants bring their favorite author’s work to share, or poems they are working on, or have written in the past. We welcome ...
- Post RetirementThis group is for women of post-retirement age who would like to explore together the issues relevant to their lives and society from the vantage point of life ...
- Pride for All Ages: An Intergenerational LGBTQ+ GroupThis intergenerational LGBTQ+ group is a social group that includes activism and serves as a congregational resource. It is an expression of our 1st, 3rd and 6th principles which affirms ...
- Second Saturday Walking GroupThis group is for folks who are lovers of the outdoors and walking who would like to participate in moderate hikes at local parks and woody areas. 2nd Saturdays 9:30-11:30 AM (15 ...
- Third Saturday Walking GroupPlease join our welcoming group of walkers every third Saturday at 9:30 am. We walk at a moderate pace for about an hour or so once a month in parks ...
- Wisdom Seekers VirtualWe are a group of men on the back nine of our lives. There is no stated age limit and we welcome anyone who wishes to seek and share wisdom ...
The UU Congregation of Cleveland is grateful for the generosity of its members and friends who contribute their time and talents to the success and sustainability of our community.
- Committee on Shared MinistryEstablished by the Board to assess the overall ministry of the congregation, including support and feedback to paid ministerial staff. Contact: Rev. Randy Partain (email) 2023-24 Committee on Shared Ministry Rev. Randy Partain Laurie ...
- Facilities Task ForceTeam established by the Board of Trustees that is charged with selling the Lancashire property, and completing a property assessment of the Shaker property. Contacts: Tadd Pinkston (email) and Tom McKenna ...
- Finance CommitteeCommittee of the Board that oversees UUCC finances. The Finance Committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Contact: Don Stimpert (email) 2023-24 Finance Committee: Don Stimpert, chair Mark Assel John Bacon Carol Gay Ray Gonzalez David ...
- Future Facilities Task ForceOne of the three primary Board initiatives for this year is to look at how we are using our building, what our space needs are, and suggest a proposal for ...
- Future Facilities Task Force – UpdateThe Future Facilities Task Force and its charter and mission from the Board of Trustees was introduced in the October 3, 2024 newsletter. Since then the task force has been ...
- Investment CommitteeCommittee that oversees and directs the investment of UUCC’s investment portfolio. Contact: Tom McKenna (email) 2023-24 Investment Committee Pat Dillard David Kantor Brian Larson Tom McKenna (chair) Glen Solomon Don Stimpert Cynthia Taylor The Investment Committee shall supervise the custody ...
- Leadership Development CommitteeCommittee that develops and implements plans to support members who are interested in evolving into leadership roles within UUCC and identifies and nominates individuals for positions that require a Congregational ...
- Membership CommitteeCommittee that plans and implements activities to enhance Congregational fellowship and strengthen relationships among our members. Contacts: Carol Gay (email) and Amy Glesius The Membership Committee shall support the recruitment of new ...
- Operations CouncilThe Operations (formerly Leadership) Council is made up of Lay and Staff Members and is responsible for the managing the operations of our congregation. The Operations Council Core meets on ...
- Stewardship CommitteeCommittee that plans and executes the annual Stewardship Campaign for UUCC. 2024-2025 UUCC Stewardship Campaign Committee This committee operates during the 2023-2024 Congregation Year and conducts the stewardship campaign for the ...
- Strategic Investment Task ForceThe Board appointed the Strategic Investment Task Force to develop a program to make significant investments in a limited number of initiatives that further the mission, vision, and strategic plan ...
- UUCC Board of TrusteesUUCC is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for determining and upholding the mission and vision of our congregation, as well as for making financial and legal ...
At UUCC, there are many ways to help individuals and the community thrive
- Committee on Shared MinistryEstablished by the Board to assess the overall ministry of the congregation, including support and feedback to paid ministerial staff. Contact: Rev. Randy Partain (email) 2023-24 Committee on Shared Ministry Rev. Randy Partain Laurie ...
- Communications Task ForceBoard-called committee that deals with internal communications.
- Finance CommitteeCommittee of the Board that oversees UUCC finances. The Finance Committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Contact: Don Stimpert (email) 2023-24 Finance Committee: Don Stimpert, chair Mark Assel John Bacon Carol Gay Ray Gonzalez David ...
- Friendship for WomenWomen’s group to deepen friendships and discuss topics chosen by a different member of the group each month. The group meets the second Monday of each month from 2-3:30 in ...
- Harry’s Kitchen CrewWho is “Harry’s Kitchen Crew”? The crew got started over 10 years ago. Harry took over the preparation of the Sunday morning breakfast with a vow that he will serve a ...
- Membership CommitteeCommittee that plans and implements activities to enhance Congregational fellowship and strengthen relationships among our members. Contacts: Carol Gay (email) and Amy Glesius The Membership Committee shall support the recruitment of new ...
- Ministry for EarthThe UUCC Ministry for Earth is inspired by the 7th principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. The Ministry for Earth offers a ...
- Newsletter & Website TeamThe UU Congregation of Cleveland website is maintained by volunteers from the congregation who are are content managers and editors. If you are interested in joining our team, contact Cat ...
- PlaygroundThe Playground is a collaborative project between the congregation and the community. It was originally built many decades ago and, while still attracting UUCC members, students from the IMPACT program, ...
- Racial Justice Leadership TeamThe Racial Justice Leadership Team (RJLT) aims to lead the congregation in developing and living out an intentionally anti-racist identity in all aspects of church life, in line with the ...
- The Angus MacLean Memorial GardenThe Memorial Garden is a reminder of the inter- connected web of life. As a final resting place for members who have gone before us, it is a place to ...
- The Community GardenThe Community Garden was started in 2009. Folks can reserve one or more beds in the spring or fall and organically grow vegetables, fruits, and flowers. The plots are available ...
- UUCC Apple OrchardMay 2022: Help needed planting perennials between our apple trees. Come plant alongside IMPACT kids. We will be planting some 500 perennial flowers in our fledgling apple orchard—all recommended specifically ...
Unitarian Universalists affirm the Fourth Principle, “A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” That quest takes many forms, from delving more deeply into the week’s sermon topic to discussing a new book to engaging in meaningful conversation. Consider expanding your horizons with the following UUCC groups:
- Laughter in our LivesWomen gather for breakfast as they share experiences, poetry, music, books, articles and humor that reflect the lighter side of life. Bring your positive energy to learn, laugh, and smile ...
- Post RetirementThis group is for women of post-retirement age who would like to explore together the issues relevant to their lives and society from the vantage point of life ...
- Pride for All Ages: An Intergenerational LGBTQ+ GroupThis intergenerational LGBTQ+ group is a social group that includes activism and serves as a congregational resource. It is an expression of our 1st, 3rd and 6th principles which affirms ...
- Soul Matters – SundayUUCC subscribes to a themed curriculum that provides resource materials for several aspects of church life including worship, religious education, and Small Groups. This small group will provide an opportunity ...
- Soul Matters – Wednesday EveningUUCC subscribes to a themed curriculum that provides resource materials for several aspects of church life including worship, religious education, and Small Groups. This small group will provide an opportunity ...
- Soul Matters – ZoomUUCC subscribes to a themed curriculum that provides resource materials for several aspects of church life including worship, religious education, and Small Groups. This small group will provide an opportunity ...
- Tuesday Readers – VirtualThe group gathers to discuss a monthly book selection, via Zoom 1st Tuesdays at 7pm. We will choose books to read, and each month have a discussion about the current book. Fiction ...
- Wisdom Seekers VirtualWe are a group of men on the back nine of our lives. There is no stated age limit and we welcome anyone who wishes to seek and share wisdom ...
Working with and supporting the goals of the communities that surround the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland is an important way that we live out the Principles of Unitarian Universalism.
- Coalition to Stop the Inhumanity at the Cuyahoga County JailThe Coalition to Stop the Inhumanity at the Cuyahoga County Jail is a group of community activists organized to demand change and accountability from elected officials responsible for conditions at ...
- FDR PartnersFDR Partners – Since February of 2017, UUCC has had a partnership with Franklin D. Roosevelt Academy to bring youngsters and oldsters together in service to students’ academic achievement and ...
- Greater Cleveland CongregationsGreater Cleveland Congregations (GCC) is a non-partisan coalition of faith communities and partner organizations in Cuyahoga County working together for social justice. As a catalyst for systemic change, GCC challenges Greater ...
- Green Noble ProjectThe Green Noble Project – The Noble neighborhood of Cleveland Heights has become a prime site for UUCC’s commitment to environmental justice. Bordering East Cleveland, this northernmost section of Cleveland ...
- IMPACT Youth Enrichment ProgramThe IMPACT Youth Enrichment Program is an afterschool prevention program for Shaker Heights Middle School 7th and 8th graders in collaboration with UUCC and the Shaker Heights Youth Center. The program promotes ...
- Ministry for EarthThe UUCC Ministry for Earth is inspired by the 7th principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. The Ministry for Earth offers a ...
- Newsletter & Website TeamThe UU Congregation of Cleveland website is maintained by volunteers from the congregation who are are content managers and editors. If you are interested in joining our team, contact Cat ...
- Unitarian Universalist Justice OhioUnitarian Universalist Justice Ohio (UUJO) is a 501C3 organization that serves the 38 UU congregations and fellowships across Ohio. Their mission is to offer education, advocacy, and action consistent with ...
- Urban HopeUrban Hope is an Ohio City storefront soup kitchen that area Unitarian churches support. It provides a place for needy neighbors to gather inside for a few hours to eat ...
- UU The VoteUU the vote offers workshops and actions to encourage voting and voting awareness through out the country. UU the Vote in Ohio is partially supported by the Unitarian Universalist Association ...
- UUCC RecyclesWe recycle Glass Bottles, Paper, Plastic Bottles, Cans, Plastic Tubs and Food Waste Our new Paper recycle bins are owned by River Valley. Our Rust belt Rider Bins, and Repeat ...
The Seventh Principle of Unitarian Universalism is “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” Part of living out that value is committing to taking care of our environment, structures, and each other.
- Buildings & GroundsOversees planning & operations of the physical facilities. Contacts: Ken Kuehm (email) and Tom McKenna (email) 2023-24 Buildings & Grounds Committee Ray Gonzalez Ken Kuehm (co-chair) Ryan McGuire Tom McKenna (co-chair) Dell Salza Cliff Wire Victor Young (staff) Rentals Coordinates rental ...
- Facilities Task ForceTeam established by the Board of Trustees that is charged with selling the Lancashire property, and completing a property assessment of the Shaker property. Contacts: Tadd Pinkston (email) and Tom McKenna ...
- Future Facilities Task ForceOne of the three primary Board initiatives for this year is to look at how we are using our building, what our space needs are, and suggest a proposal for ...
- Future Facilities Task Force – UpdateThe Future Facilities Task Force and its charter and mission from the Board of Trustees was introduced in the October 3, 2024 newsletter. Since then the task force has been ...
- Green Noble ProjectThe Green Noble Project – The Noble neighborhood of Cleveland Heights has become a prime site for UUCC’s commitment to environmental justice. Bordering East Cleveland, this northernmost section of Cleveland ...
- Permaculture GardenSeasonal volunteer opportunity assisting with the maintenance of the garden between the parking lot and the UUCC building. Wednesdays from 10 AM – 12 PM from spring thru fall. Sign ...
- The Angus MacLean Memorial GardenThe Memorial Garden is a reminder of the inter- connected web of life. As a final resting place for members who have gone before us, it is a place to ...
- The Community GardenThe Community Garden was started in 2009. Folks can reserve one or more beds in the spring or fall and organically grow vegetables, fruits, and flowers. The plots are available ...
- UUCC Apple OrchardMay 2022: Help needed planting perennials between our apple trees. Come plant alongside IMPACT kids. We will be planting some 500 perennial flowers in our fledgling apple orchard—all recommended specifically ...