The Seventh Principle of Unitarian Universalism is “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” Part of living out that value is committing to taking care of our environment, structures, and each other.
- Buildings & GroundsOversees planning & operations of the physical facilities. Contacts: Ken Kuehm (email) and Tom McKenna (email) 2023-24 Buildings & Grounds Committee Ray Gonzalez Ken Kuehm (co-chair) Ryan McGuire Tom McKenna (co-chair) Dell Salza Cliff Wire Victor Young (staff) Rentals Coordinates rental ...
- Facilities Task ForceTeam established by the Board of Trustees that is charged with selling the Lancashire property, and completing a property assessment of the Shaker property. Contacts: Tadd Pinkston (email) and Tom McKenna ...
- Future Facilities Task ForceOne of the three primary Board initiatives for this year is to look at how we are using our building, what our space needs are, and suggest a proposal for ...
- Future Facilities Task Force – UpdateThe Future Facilities Task Force and its charter and mission from the Board of Trustees was introduced in the October 3, 2024 newsletter. Since then the task force has been ...
- Green Noble ProjectThe Green Noble Project – The Noble neighborhood of Cleveland Heights has become a prime site for UUCC’s commitment to environmental justice. Bordering East Cleveland, this northernmost section of Cleveland ...
- Permaculture GardenWednesday 10 AM to 12 PM church garden during growing season. Always need more volunteers. Seasonal volunteer opportunity assisting with the maintenance of the garden between the parking lot and ...
- The Angus MacLean Memorial GardenThe Memorial Garden is a reminder of the inter- connected web of life. As a final resting place for members who have gone before us, it is a place to ...
- The Community GardenThe Community Garden was started in 2009. Folks can reserve one or more beds in the spring or fall and organically grow vegetables, fruits, and flowers. The plots are available ...
- UUCC Apple OrchardMay 2022: Help needed planting perennials between our apple trees. Come plant alongside IMPACT kids. We will be planting some 500 perennial flowers in our fledgling apple orchard—all recommended specifically ...