Urban Hope Folks Need Stuff!

Urban Hope is an Ohio City storefront soup kitchen that area Unitarian churches support. It provides a place for needy neighbors to gather inside for a few hours to eat a meal, talk, play cards and take a shower. Volunteer opportunities include buying ingredients, communally cooking in our church kitchen, serving the meal, and donating other items. Our congregation’s turn is the 4th Sunday of each month.

Many of the people using the serves at Urban hope are unhoused they could use the following items that are dispersed during our monthly meal service:

There is a box under the Welcome Table in East Entrance to the Church marked with “Urban Hope”

*Reusable sturdy shopping bags to carry their belongings
*Men’s white T-shirts (all sizes)
*Women’s bras (pretty ones, colorful ones are appreciated)
*dark colored socks men and women
*Small containers of deodorant, lotion, mouth wash
*Paper towels
*Sandwich bags
*Women’s underwear
*Men’s underwear
*Wash cloths